Thinking Past the Future: Patience Part 1 of 3

  I’m getting married in less than a month. I’m publishing a book soon after. We’ll be debt-free next year. We have at least 5 trips planned over the next year. Two are big ones! I have medical issues that need to be addressed, difficult relationship issues with family, and some legal loose ends that […]

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I’ve stopped setting goals, and I’ve never been happier.

I’ve been a goal-setter most of my life. When I was a kid, I developed the habit of envisioning a future version of myself that was highly intelligent, ultra-disciplined, rich, heavily muscled, tan, and happy. I learned very early on that in order to achieve the life you want, you have to learn to set […]

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Mind Control: Who’s in charge? You, or the marketers?

*Bell Rings* Awareness is half the battle. I’m not a betting man, but I would be willing to wager real money (bitcoin) that you spend more time on social media than you think you do. These programs are designed to be addictive. You’ve probably heard all this before and think you’re already aware, but that’s […]

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