If You Want Results, You Must Do This!

(Note: This article was originally published on my gym’s blog back in 2017, but was recently mentioned on our podcast here. Have a listen to learn some valuable strategies for tracking metrics!) Your brain is a liar! Our brains lie to us every day. Don’t believe me? Check this out for 10 minutes, or skip […]

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A Couple Of Resources More Precious Than Time

A quick Amazon book search yields over 60,000 results for “time management”. There’s been an annoying trend in personal development books for quite some time now: Well known CEOs of huge corporations writing about success principles. I’m annoyed by it because many of them speak in nebulous terms in order to sound intelligent and important […]

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Effortless Progress

I’m very new to Taoist and Buddhist philosophies. Growing up in the West (and particularly the Wild West of Eastern Oregon small towns) I was under the impression that Eastern Philosophies were all about the woo-woo spiritualism. Ironically, I’m finding the principles contained in Eastern “religions” to be far more philosophically practical than most Americanized […]

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