Day 44

Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post for a PDF version and other notes.

If you’re new to Daily Prompts, you may want to start at the beginning of the series here.


Year______ Month_______Day______Consecutive Practice Days_____Missed Days______

Day 44




The reason it’s called Practice is that you are practicing the life of your Vision.

Avoid the trap of “this then that”. I used to think I needed to make a certain amount of money, then I would have the freedom to pursue drawing more regularly. Turns out, poor people can draw too.

When setting up your practice, be sure it’s not a matter of getting this done first- then I can work on that. Practice living your Vision now.

For instance, working at a job you can’t stand because you think it’s going to get you to a financial place where you will “someday” pursue the thing you love, you’re falling for the delayed gratification trap of traditional goal setting. The only thing that a crappy job is doing for you is making you better practiced at working a crappy job that you don’t like. I’m not telling you to quit your job (I’m not telling you to not quit your job either). What I’m saying is that if you have to work at something undesirable in the short-term, don’t allow yourself to look at that as an obstacle to get over before pursuing what you want. Even worse: don’t delude yourself into thinking that the uninspiring thing is the solution to get you to the inspired life.

If you’re waiting tables when you’d rather be an interior designer, then go ahead and keep paying your bills by being the best server possible, AND make sure you’re devoting 10 minutes per day minimum to launching your Interior Design business. When I say practice, I don’t just mean a consistent activity, I also mean you are literally practicing living out your Vision.

Remember; the future isn’t real, it’s a concept. Right now is your only real life- so live it.

Begin today to live your vision.


Daily: (The pdf version below contains three lined pages for your daily journal)






The above is an excerpt from the upcoming The Lyceum Course Journal. We will be releasing it here for free as a Daily Prompt blog post. If you would like a physical copy, we will link to it here once it is released.


Suggested Use:

I realize a daily journal prompt on a blog is a little weird. This is how I would suggest using it: Open your favorite note-taking software such as Evernote, copy and paste this post into it, and write your daily entries there.


Download a PDF version of this post here. Feel free to print it out, or access it through a PDF editor where you can type in your daily entry.

Collaborate With Me!

This post series is a first draft of the future book. If you have suggestions, comments, or see errors, please reach out so that I can make the final product more valuable for you and the rest of the community. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

By Cody Limbaugh

Author of STOP SETTING GOALS! and co-founder of The Lyceum. Cody and his wife Tali Zabari both write and create at, where they share their adventures in #HardcoreHomesteading and personal development. Join the discussion in The Lyceum Community at

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