Day 24

Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post for a PDF version and other notes.

If you’re new to Daily Prompts, you may want to start at the beginning of the series here.


Year______ Month_______Day______Consecutive Practice Days_____Missed Days______

Day 24

Gratitude: (the free PDF below features lined entries for your journal practice)

Vision: (the free PDF below features lined entries for your journal practice)

If you were the type of person who set S.M.A.R.T. Goals, you were probably taught to work backward from that goal to create a roadmap of how to reach your destination. Now, instead of a journey, we’re dancing through life. So what about the guidance you were getting from the road map? Don’t we need to plan in order to take appropriate action toward our Vision?

Yes. But instead of a step by step plan, we only need to know the next step. A good place to learn the next step is in your Affirmation and Vision. You can see the life you want in your Vision. The life you desire requires a person with certain traits to achieve it. Your Affirmation helps to identify what those traits are.

My Vision includes the life of an author with a large catalog of published work. So one of my current Affirmations is:

“I’m so proud to be such a prolific author and artist.”

This identifies what I need to do: Publish more art and writing. To publish something I must create it first, so I have structured for myself a daily practice of writing.

Tomorrow we’re really going to get to the meat of The Lyceum Method: Action.

Know that your practices of Gratitude, Vision, and Affirmation all have a carryover effect that goes beyond the direct benefits of each. They all serve as lenses to help bring into focus your self-knowledge and guidance in your next steps.

Affirmations: (the free PDF below features lined entries for your journal practice)

Daily: (The pdf version below contains three lined pages for your daily journal)






The above is an excerpt from the upcoming The Lyceum Course Journal. We will be releasing it here for free as a Daily Prompt blog post. If you would like a physical copy, we will link to it here once it is released.


Suggested Use:

I realize a daily journal prompt on a blog is a little weird. This is how I would suggest using it: Open your favorite note-taking software such as Evernote, copy and paste this post into it, and write your daily entries there.


Download a PDF version of this post here. Feel free to print it out, or access it through a PDF editor where you can type in your daily entry.

Collaborate With Me!

This post series is a first draft of the future book. If you have suggestions, comments, or see errors, please reach out so that I can make the final product more valuable for you and the rest of the community. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

By Cody Limbaugh

Author of STOP SETTING GOALS! and co-founder of The Lyceum. Cody and his wife Tali Zabari both write and create at, where they share their adventures in #HardcoreHomesteading and personal development. Join the discussion in The Lyceum Community at

© 2020 The Lyceum LLC