Day 57

If you’re new to Daily Prompts, you may want to start at the beginning of the series here. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post for a PDF version and other notes. Year______ Month_______Day______Consecutive Practice Days_____Missed Days______ Day Gratitude: (Spend a few moments writing about the things you’re grateful for. Lined pages […]

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Day 56

If you’re new to Daily Prompts, you may want to start at the beginning of the series here. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post for a PDF version and other notes. Year______ Month_______Day______Consecutive Practice Days_____Missed Days______ Day Gratitude: (Spend a few moments writing about the things you’re grateful for. Lined pages […]

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Day 55

If you’re new to Daily Prompts, you may want to start at the beginning of the series here. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post for a PDF version and other notes. Year______ Month_______Day______Consecutive Practice Days_____Missed Days______ Day 55 Gratitude: (Spend a few moments writing about the things you’re grateful for. Lined […]

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Day 54

Year______ Month_______Day______Consecutive Practice Days_____Missed Days______ Day 54 I wouldn’t expect that here on day 54, that you would have 54 Consecutive Practice Days. If you do, shoot me a message at I’m impressed! For the rest of us, consistency is just like our Vision; we’re striving not for perfection, but for the right trajectory. […]

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Effortless Progress

I’m very new to Taoist and Buddhist philosophies. Growing up in the West (and particularly the Wild West of Eastern Oregon small towns) I was under the impression that Eastern Philosophies were all about the woo-woo spiritualism. Ironically, I’m finding the principles contained in Eastern “religions” to be far more philosophically practical than most Americanized […]

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